D.R. Congo –Diaconate and priestly ordinations of ten Salesians by Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero, SDB, Archbishop of Rabat

24 July 2023

Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo – July 2023 –On 22 July, Salesian Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero, Archbishop of Rabat, presided over a solemn Mass in the courtyard of the Imara Institute in Lubumbashi, during which he ordained ten young Salesians of Don Bosco from the Province of Central Africa (AFC): three as deacons and seven as priests. The Mass was attended by over 2,600 faithful and concelebrated by 130 priests. Among the concelebrants were Monsignor Emmanuel Mumba, Vicar General in charge of the works of the Archdiocese of Lubumbashi; Fr José Alejandro León Mendoza, Superior of the Adolescent Jesus Province of the Middle East (MOR); Fr Guillermo Basañes, AFC Provincial, and his Council; members of the clergy of Lubumbashi and other neighbouring dioceses. Addressing the new deacons and priests, Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero urged them to be first of all at the service of others, as the Church and the Salesian Congregation require. The rich and lively ceremony started at 10.30 a.m. and ended at 2.50 p.m.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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