India – St. Francis Xavier Province (INB) begins a Diploma Course for Lay Salesians (LSP)

18 July 2023

(ANS – Mumbai) – A Diploma Course for Lay Salesians commenced on 15 July 2023 at the Don Bosco Youth Centre, Koregaon Park, Pune. The team headed by Fr. Ian Doulton, Sr Teresa Joseph, Fr Vivian D’Souza and Fr Valerian Pereira put this programme together and were ably assisted by the students of theology. This module concludes on Sunday 23rd. For this first attempt there are 16 participants from six Salesian Institutions around the INB Province.

This first ever course of its kind is offered to those holding leadership positions in some of our most iconic institutions.

The inaugural session began in the AV Hall at the Salesian Catechetical Centre with Fr Savio Silveira, Provincial (INB) unveiling the picture of Mamma Margaret the first lay Salesian (by Edoardo La Francesca).

To begin proceedings, a PowerPoint highlighted some reflections on the role of Mary in the life of Don Bosco and the Congregation.

We know that Don Bosco had many teachers, and he admired and cherished them immensely but none did he revere more than his dear mother – Margaret Occhiena, affectionately known then, and now as Mamma Margaret. She played a seminal role in the life of John and that of his boys.

Fr. Ian Doulton welcomed everyone and made it clear that this is the first ever course of its kind and emphasized the obvious: Mamma Margaret is the first Lay Salesian!

In his address to the participants Fr. Savio Silveira touched on the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of the Diploma Course for Lay Salesians. He emphasized: “Our Mission is that we are called to be signs and bearers of God’s love for the young,” stating that: “This programme will not be just for this province. We intend to make it available to the Lay Salesians in Salesian India.”

The programme concluded with the special prayer prepared for the occasion which was prayed by all the participants bringing the inaugural session to an apt conclusion.

The methodology adopted for this course includes both theoretical and practical sessions showcasing the Salesian Educational System, the Preventive System, the Rector Major’s Strenna for 2023 and an appropriate exposé on how to understand teenagers who are our primary field of work. A virtual guided-pilgrimage to Becchi, Castelnuovo and surroundings would be followed by drawing up guidelines of action for today and the challenges and strategies to live the Preventive System in our institutions, our homes and in our lives.

It is hoped that this Lay Salesian Programme becomes a leaven in Salesian India and indeed in South East Asia, to enthuse many lay members (who work “shoulder to shoulder” with the Salesians) to celebrate their Salesian Vocation in a new and more effective manner in all their settings.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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