Spain – "Escuelas Salesianas" presents its formation proposal for 2023-2024

10 July 2023

(ANS – Madrid) – “Escuelas Salesianas”, the network that brings together all 141 schools of the Salesians of Don Bosco and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Spain, continues its commitment to the formation of those who carry out educational work, with a wide range of formation courses designed and organised for teaching teams.

As usual, also in view of the 2023-2024 school year the educational institution proposes a course for experts in school management, aimed at teachers who are or will be part of a management team, such as principals, pedagogical directors, directors of studies or administrators. The course is recognised as a university course for experts in management of educational centres.

The pastoral coordination course is also offered, addressed to pastoral coordinators who are already carrying out their functions, both at a general level and as a temporary assignment, or to people who will carry out pastoral coordination functions in the near future, as well as to other members of pastoral teams who can benefit from the experience.

“We are aware that education is not exempt from updating and adapting to continuous changes. Lifelong learning, although it has always been important, now seems more necessary than ever. The new regulatory framework, family situations, the economic situation and the profile of teachers and our beneficiaries impose on us an attitude of continuous improvement and revision”says the coordination team on the merits of this formation.

Escuelas Salesianas has also warned of the need to generate a new formation project for members of management teams who have been in this role for more than 3 years. It will be formation focused on the care of the person, the sharing of the mission and on fidelity to it, through a participatory methodology.

“And, shortly, we will launch enrolment for the refresher course for teachers with more than 12 years of seniority in Salesian schools,” they indicate.

Continuous training and constant updating in the various skills are fundamental aspects for Salesian educators in Salesian institutions. “Aware of this need, we have developed an offer of eight digital courses, each lasting 30 hours, designed specifically for teachers” they explain.

These courses cover a wide range of topics relevant to educational work, providing participants with the tools and knowledge needed to improve their professional performance. And they are courses designed to be flexible. “The online mode offers a number of benefits to teachers. Firstly, it gives them the opportunity to access training from anywhere and at any time, allowing them to reconcile professional development with daily obligations. In addition, online courses encourage interaction and the exchange of ideas between participants, creating a collaborative learning space” Escuelas Salesianas comments.

Each course is carefully designed by experts in the field of Salesian education, who have selected the most relevant and up-to-date content to ensure the quality of formation. Participants will have access to teaching materials, multimedia resources and practical activities that will facilitate the implementation of what has been learned in the actual teaching activity.

On the website of “Escuelas Salesianas” – – you can consult the dates of each course, the registration periods and the specific contents of each module.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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