Poland – Assembly of Salesian Schools in the Province of Wrocław

20 June 2023

Wrocław, Poland – June 2023 – The Assembly of Salesian Schools in the Province of Poland-Wrocław (PLO) was held on 15-16 June. The event, held at the Don Bosco school complex in Wrocław, has been held annually for several years, each time in a different school. The first day began with a communal lunch, followed by the presentation of the schools. Then a theatrical performance was staged, with performances from the young people from each school. After the prayer there was a time for conversation and games together. Several sports tournaments were held the following day, in the newly built recreational and sports complex. The central moment of the day was the Eucharist celebrated by Fr Matuszu Buczek, SDB, with the homily by Fr Piotr Lorek, SDB, Vice-Provincial of PLO. The meeting not only served as an opportunity for fellowship, but also spread he awareness among everyone that Salesian schools are heading the right direction in the search for the integral development of young people.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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