Italy – Conclusion of the national assembly of Salesians for Social APS

13 June 2023

Rome, Italy – June 2023 – The national assembly of "Salesians for Social APS", which concluded at the Salesian Pius XI  work on 11 June was entitled "Building Communities of Solidarity: 30 years of Salesian social networking in Italy". The meeting represented a point of arrival and a relaunching of the programmatic activity of the association. Last September, an assembly between the members began the participatory process from below for “Organizing Hope”, with ten meetings throughout the national territory. In these meetings, the board of directors of the process from below, together with the National Office and with the president, Fr Francesco Preite, met with members, Salesians and lay people, reflecting on the five areas of intervention of Salesians for Social: Universal Civil Service; Protection of minors; Social and labour insertion of young people; Migrants; Formation of the associative network. The proposals collected are part of the Policy Paper that was discussed during the assembly, and will form the shared cultural basis for action guidelines for coming years. The assembly also offered opportunities for reflection and discussion on issues that represent the fulcrum of the association's activities: youth, work, new poverty, associative network. The event was attended by, among others, Fr Francesco Preite, President of the Salesians for Social APS; with a video-message from the Hon. Maria Teresa Bellucci, Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Policies; Fr Rafael Bejarano, Reference person for Social Works in the Youth Ministry Sector; Fr Fabio Attard, Head of Formation of Salesians and Laity in Europe; Fr Roberto Dal Molin, President of the National Salesian Works Centre; Fr Stefano Aspettati, ICC Provincial and Delegate for Youth Marginalisation and Disadvantage.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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