Czech Republic - Continental Conference of IUSs of Europe

19 May 2023

(ANS - Prague) - The heads and coordinators of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) of Europe are gathering these days at the headquarters of the Institute of Theology and Social Pedagogy "Jabok," the IUS of Prague. A total of 14 people, representatives of different IUS from four nations, are participating in the gathering: Italy, Spain, France, and the Czech Republic.

Under the guidance of IUS General Coordinator, Fr. Oscar Lozano, and the continental coordinator, Prof. Alessio Rocchi, CEO of the Salesian University Institute Torino-Rebaudengo (IUSTO) aggregated with the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome, those present at the meeting are participating in what is the third continental conference initiated to disseminate and share the Common Policies and Program issued by the IUS VIII World Assembly (Rome, January 24-28, 2022) in the context of each continent.

Activities began on Thursday, May 18, with a welcome by Prof. Hana Pazlarová, Director of Jabok, and an introduction by Prof. Rocchi, who introduced all participants and outlined the program of activities. Next, Prof. Rocchi and Fr. Lozano led the first session, devoted to explaining the general context of policies and projects for 2022-2026, and then to the specific policies of IUS Europe for 2023-2026.

In the afternoon session, IUSTO Academic Director Prof. Chiara Chiavarino presented a report on the latest international research, while Rubén Iduriaga Carbonero and Luis Moral Moreno, from the Madrid-based Center for Higher Education in Humanities and Education (CES Don Bosco), briefed their academic colleagues on the activities of the IUS Education Working Group and a new joint research proposal. A collection of proposals for identifying the next common lines of academic research concluded the day of discussion and dialogue.

On Friday, May 19, 2023, the last day of the meeting, the Continental Coordinator of the IUSs of Europe led the elaboration of the Joint Action Plan 2023-2026 for the IUSs of Europe and defined the date, place, and theme of the next European IUS Assembly. The meeting concluded with a community Eucharist.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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