This is the first edition of the traditional course for new Provincial Economers that has been conducted in presence since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Participating in the work are the economic managers of the Provinces and Vice-Provinces of South West Africa (AOS), Africa Nigeria-Niger (ANN), Austria (AUS), Central America (CAM), Croatia (CRO), North Philippines (FIN), France and South Belgium (FRB), Italy Lombardo Emiliana (ILE), Mexico-Mexico (MEM), Myanmar (MYM), Poland-Krakow (PLS), Spain-Saint James the Greater (SSM), Uruguay (URU), as well as the Economer of the Delegation of Cambodia (DCM), belonging to the Province of Thailand.
The first session began in the Salesian University's Giuseppe Quadrio Hall with the intervention of the Congregation's Economer General, Br. Jean Paul Muller, SDB. He addressed the topic of the Salesian administrator’s role and functions. “We are a bit the Swiss Guard of the Congregation, because the Swiss Guard has a great capacity and need to observe a lot; and we similarly have to observe for a long time, check, look around before making a decision,” Br. Muller said on the occasion.
The course is also attended by members of the Economer General's Office, accompanied by sector leaders, and in a number of sessions, several members of the "DON BOSCO IN THE WORLD" Foundation will participate.
The methodology adopted includes both theoretical and practical sessions, with some case studies being carried out.
On the second day, Tuesday, May 16, the work began at 9:00 a.m., with a session chaired by Br. Muller, who illustrated the Handbook for the Provincial Economer. He also outlined a few key concepts concerning the functions that Economers are called upon to perform in their respective areas. Fr. Luis Botasso, Secretary of the Economer General, then explained the so-called "red book" text, which contains some juridical elements that are useful to Provincial Economers in the exercise of their functions.
In the afternoon, a talk by Dr. Andreas Machnik, of "Pax Bank International," is scheduled. He will explain several ethical criteria for financial action. Course participants will then visit the Camerette of Don Bosco at the "Sacro Cuore" facility in Rome.
On Wednesday, May 17, the central session focuses on financial reporting, by Alberto Rodríguez, president of the "DON BOSCO IN THE WORLD" Foundation, and Dr. Fabio Buconi, of the Economer General's office. The two speakers will also animate a case study in the afternoon, following the talk by Drs. Pietro Tardini and Alex Garattoni, of the consulting firm "Compagnia Privata," on the criteria and decision-making processes regarding the financial choices of the Provinces.
Reflections on May 18 will then range from the structures and functions of the Planning and Development Offices (PDO), with a talk by Max O'Choro, to personnel management, with the afternoon double session by Dr. Janko Jochimsen, a collaborator of the Economer General's Office. A visit to the catacombs of St. Callistus will close the busy day.
On the last day, before the conclusion of the work and final deliveries of the course, the Economers will also be shown the digital portal available to them for collecting and sharing data and information.