Poland - Dispatch of young volunteers of Salesian Missionary Volunteers "Młodzi Światu"

16 May 2023

Krakow, Poland - May 2023 - On Sunday, May 7, as part of the Feast of "Savionalia," the sending out ceremony of the young volunteers of the Salesian Missionary Volunteer Work (SMW) "Młodzi Światu" in Krakow took place. After more than a year of preparation and commitment in the SWM community, the volunteers received their missionary crosses and blessings before leaving for various destinations. Ten young missionaries are leaving this year for Africa, South America and Bangladesh. The ceremony was held in the Mary Help of Christians Church, with a homily by Fr. Marcin Wosiek, coordinator of the volunteers, while the crosses were delivered by Fr. Zygmunt Kostka SDB, Vicar of the Krakow Province (PLS), in the presence also of Fr. Tadeusz Goryczka SDB, president of the SWM. The volunteers had also been able to introduce themselves to the young participants of "Savionalia" by preparing a "Missionary Morning" for the 500 young people present at the Salesian Youth Festival in Krakow, during which they had explained the activities of the SWM. After the Sending Mass, however, the young missionaries, together with their families, friends and other volunteers went to SWM's Global Education Park.

Text and photos: Krakow Province Archives (PLS)


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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