Brazil - "Don Bosco" School in Recife-Bongi celebrates 75th anniversary

11 May 2023

Recife, Brazil - May 10, 2023 - The "Don Bosco" School and Vocational Training Center in Recife-Bongi celebrated 75 years of activity, all dedicated to promoting the human, Christian, and professional formation of adolescents and young people. Since its foundation, the Institute has been based on the principles and values transmitted by St. John Bosco, and has consolidated itself as a reference institution for quality education, offering students a formation that prepares them for life, counting on a team of qualified and committed collaborators. In its 75-year history, the Institute has trained generations of young people, who later became professionals, responsible parents, and committed citizens in their communities. As St. John Bosco said, "Education is a thing of the heart," and the Don Bosco School of Recife-Bongi continues to educate its young people with love, dedication, and commitment so that they can be agents of transformation in their lives and in the world.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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