Spain - 600 participants gathered at "Meeting Point" in Aranjuez

19 April 2023

Aranjuez, Spain - April 2023 - On April 15 and 16, the Children's Meeting of the Central Zone of the Salesian Province "St. James the Greater" (SSM) was held in Aranjuez. 480 children from 3rd to 6th grade of elementary school participated in this initiative. Accompanied by about 100 animators, the youngest of the 22 Salesian youth centers in the area experienced two intense days of conviviality, reflection and friendship under the motto "Meeting Point." Participants reflected on the fact that everyone can be a true meeting point for so many other people, whom he or she is called to help: in the family, among friends, with peers ... in the same way Jesus did with all those He met. Saturday morning served to settle in and get to know each other, then in the afternoon, there was a time of reflection, followed by a session of games around the Palacio de Aranjuez. In the evening there was singing and dancing. The participants were visited by Fr. Fernando García, SSM Provincial, and were accompanied by Sr. María José Silva, coordinator of the FMA Youth Ministry, and Fr. Xabier Camino, SSM Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, who presided over the Eucharist. The meeting is part of the Provincial proposals of the Itinerary of Faith Education (IEF). Fr. Alberto Arteaga, SDB, a member of the IEF Provincial Commission, said, "This meeting continues to have a lot of force, because the animators continue to believe in Don Bosco's dream and give their time and energy to the youngsters."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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