Spain - "Returning to our Galilee resurrected and eager to proclaim it"

14 April 2023

Spain - April 2023 - Under the mottos "We walk with you" and "The Walk leads to Love," some 2,000 young people from Salesian works in Spain lived the days of Holy Week through moments of encounter, reflection and celebration intensely. The Easter meetings were developed, as on previous occasions, on three levels, depending on the age of the participants. In addition, specific meetings were organized for families in Mohernando (Guadalajara) and Somalo (La Rioja), and there was, finally, the opportunity to experience Easter on the Camino de Santiago. "We prayed together, celebrated the meetings in the different houses and youth centers of reference, and became aware that it is Jesus Christ the Lord who holds us together and accompanies us in our lives, through the experience of the resurrection," some young people shared on the journey back to their homes. María Méndez, who participated in the meeting held in Mohernando, said, "I am convinced that the concrete experience of community that takes place during these days - the being all at the service of all, building Easter moments together - makes us mature in our faith and return to our Galilee resurrected and with a great desire to proclaim Him." Together with the young people, several hundred animators and Salesians accompanied the participants during these days, organizing moments of prayer, group and personal reflection and the Easter Triduum celebrations. Also, young couples with their children participated in Easter meetings specifically for families.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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