Japan – Catholic Youth Camp helps Japanese young people experience 'Shalom'

04 April 2023

(ANS - Miyazaki) - After three years of suffering due to the pandemic, the annual Catholic Youth Camp (YCC) took place in Miyazaki, Japan, from 28 to 30 March 2023, with great joy under the leadership of Fr Shinjiro Michael Urata, SDB, Head of the Youth Pastoral Commission of the 'St Francis Xavier' Province of Japan.

The YCC initiative came about with the aim of bringing together Catholic high school students in the Kyushu area to offer them an opportunity to experience fraternity and faith sharing. During the pandemic, online animation activities had been organized to replace the annual meeting; and this year, 31 high school students and 21 staff members from Catholic schools throughout the Kyushu area, including the Salesians from Miyazaki and some Salesians and Sisters from the Salesian Family in Tokyo, as well as other religious from the Kyushu area, were involved in the organization of this in-person meeting.

Participants arrived at the ‘Hyuga Academy Beach House’ in the early afternoon and were immediately welcomed by the organizing team. The programme then kicked off with some activities to break the ice and get everyone acquainted. Then, after dinner together, the participants and staff all joined in a new round of recreational activities, which helped to create the right atmosphere in the group. The day ended with evening prayer and the traditional ‘Salesian goodnight’.

The following day began with a moment of contemplation and meditation while admiring the splendid panorama offered by the Pacific Ocean. Then, after praying together, the participants gathered to hear the speech of Bishop Shinzo Sulpice Moriyama, Bishop of the Oita diocese. In his speech, he highlighted the biblical meaning of the term ‘Shalom’ in the Judeo-Christian context, establishing the idea that 'peace' is a state of restoration of wholeness. It was through this concept that participants engaged in debates among themselves to relate their ideas of peace. The morning then ended with a Mass.

In the afternoon, after a moment of leisure and fraternity on the beach, the young people shared what they had learnt during the morning group discussions. In the evening, however, the “Gathering of Lights” took place, an evocative moment of prayer led by Fr Tadashi Thomas Hamabe, SDB, during which everyone was able to contemplate "Christ as Light and Peace" and present their own resolutions for peace from their own life context.

The last day of the YCC began with morning prayer and meditation based on the resolutions each had made during “Gathering of Lights” the previous evening. The climax of the activities was the concluding Mass, during which each person made a commitment to establish true peace on earth.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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