Recently DB Tech ASEAN set up its Central Office in Makati City, hosted by Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati, Inc. This in-person meeting made it possible for the coordinators and representatives to finally set foot in the DB Tech ASEAN Central Office for the first time and gave them an opportunity to personally witness TVET in the Philippines by touring around some nearby Don Bosco TVET Centers.
On the first day of the said event, Fr. Gerardo Martin, Sdb, the FIN Provincial Supervisor welcomed the DB Tech ASEAN representatives. The EAO Regional Councilor, Fr. Nguyen Thinh Phuoc Joseph, Sdb, dedicated an inspirational message for all the attendees. It was followed by the presentation on the relevance and updating of the document on Vocational-Training Center presided by Fr. Joebeth Vivo, Sdb of the Department of Youth Ministry in Rome. Discussion on Final DB Tech ASEAN Vision and Mission, and the Training Needs Assessment proceeded. The DB Tech ASEAN coordinators and representatives toured inside the hosting center, the DBTI Makati, where the trainers of the said center proudly presented their respective programs and introduced some resident students and their workshop facilities to the guests.
Day 2 was filled with discussions and reports from the DB Tech ASEAN coordinators and representatives. After the recap of Day 1 during the opening session, they proceeded with the discussion on DB Tech ASEAN business matters and the presentation of country annual reports.
As a DB Tech ASEAN out-of-the-country meeting tradition, the coordinators and representatives spent the last day having company visits and facility tours. The first stop was the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) in Pasig City. The CPSC Governing Board-Engaged Faculty Consultant, Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen, and Engr. Dr. Mian Khuram Ahsan, the Senior Faculty Specialist of CPSC welcomed the guests together with their team. The CPSC representatives presented the programs and activities of their institution, and the DB Tech ASEAN guests were then toured inside the company and its facilities. The Tuloy kids of Tuloy Foundation in Muntinlupa City delighted the last stop of the tour as they welcomed the guests with a short program filled with performances and smiling faces, led by the Rector, Fr. Marciano “Rocky” Evangelista, SDB. This week-long event ended after the guests’ campus and facility tour at Tuloy.