Italy - "Teen Meeting" and "Children Meeting" of Salesian Youth Movement of Triveneto

08 March 2023

(ANS - Mogliano Veneto) - More than 2,000 children and young people participated in the meetings of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) organized by the Salesian Province of Triveneto (INE) on February 26 and March 5. Two Sundays full of fun and an attractive educational proposal that was able to touch the hearts of the young people who participated and who became protagonists in the course of the events.

On Sunday, February 26th, over 600 young people between the ages of 14 and 20 from the various Salesian houses in the area gathered for the annual formative proposal "Noi ci s(t)iamo - we're here / with you". Inspired by the testimony of Father Claudio Burgio, diocesan priest and chaplain of the "Cesare Beccaria" juvenile prison in Milan, the young people listened to stories of redemption. "There are no bad boys," said Fr. Burgio, adopting Don Bosco's Salesian style of meeting children and adolescents who end up in prison.

On Sunday, March 5, it was the turn of the meeting dedicated to children between the ages of 11 and 14, entitled “Direction: Heaven.” Through an exciting show, they were able to listen to the encounter between Michele Magone and Don Bosco and reflect on the importance of having dreams to fulfill with the help of God and wise adults who accompany them. A Sunday full of fun and games in which about 1,400 of them participated.

Two meetings in which the young people themselves were the protagonists with their service. In fact, about 150 young people prepared the first meeting, while about 300 eighth graders volunteered to involve their peers in the second meeting. This is a way of making young people be the key players and making them discover the beauty of social service and commitment.
Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy, SDB, who celebrated the Eucharist was also present at both meetings. He reminded the young people of the importance of living a beautiful, good and true life, inviting them to place their desires in the hands of the good God, who has a dream for each one of them and calls them to fulfill it with Him.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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