During this time, the strategic areas of the Salesian mission in the context of European pastoral animation were discussed. There were talks on the criteria for the affective-sexual education of young people, contained in the Sector's new text, "A Youth Ministry that Educates to Love."
One morning was dedicated to vocational animation, studying support material prepared by Fr. García Morcuende. World Youth Day, which will take place in Lisbon from August 1 to 6, 2023, was one of the topics discussed by the various Delegates, along with other topics such as the International Congress of Social Works, the revitalization of the oratory-youth center environment, the Charter of Identity of Salesian schools and the challenges expressed by the Directors of European schools in the questionnaire called "Educobarometer."
There was also time to reflect on formation in and for the mission of young Salesians. Also presented were the process of creating "DB Tech Europe" and the coordination of the Salesian Youth Movement, Salesian Provincial Youth Ministry, and the Delegate's visit to homes. There were several moments to share some good pastoral practices. On Thursday afternoon, the group visited Benediktbeuern.
"These days of ongoing formation are a key element in the growth of Delegates in the changing environment in which they work. Aspects such as vocation animation, affective accompaniment of young people, or pastoral formation of new generations of Salesians require methodological changes and pastoral boldness. We need to readjust to emerging needs," the General Councilor for Youth Ministry said in conclusion.