Spain - Meetings of Salesian Cooperators of Province "Mary Help of Christians"

13 February 2023

Sevilla, Spain - February 2023 - The Salesian Cooperators of the "Mary Help of Christians" Province, comprising the centers of Andalusia, Canary Islands and Extremadura, recently concluded their annual zone meetings, where 2 or 3 subdivisions come together to foster fraternity, unify projects, share dreams and above all nourish the vocation to be "leaven in the dough." A total of seven meetings were held: last October the subdivisions of the Canary Islands had met in La Orotava; while in January/February the meetings of the centers of the zones of Jaén, Córdoba, Extremadura, Sevilla-Huelva, Granada-Málaga and Cádiz were held. All had a wide participation of Salesian Cooperators and followed the same program with dynamics, moments of formation, reflection and sharing to remain faithful to the vocation. A total of 13 new Salesian Cooperators made their pledge at the various meetings.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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