This publication is cause for great gratitude to God and to the more than 1,700 collaborators and some 860 volunteers who daily devote themselves to Salesian educational-pastoral activities with children, adolescents and youth, especially those in socially vulnerable situations in the various social and educational units and Salesian parishes.
Presenting this document, BBH Provincial Fr. Natale Vitali recalled, "We are called not to lose the ability to let ourselves be moved by the Holy Spirit, to carry out an action like that of Jesus, truly inclusive, human and transcendent. We must build bridges and alliances at the local and national levels."
The document, a nimble text of about 20 pages, opens with the presentation of the Provincial, continues with a panoramic view of Don Bosco and the Salesian Congregation in the world, in Brazil, and the specific reality of BBH, and then dwells on all the specific aspects of the work of the Province - collaborators, areas of intervention, social, educational, pastoral, solidarity initiatives - going all the way to the awards and recognitions obtained.
Attentive to the reflections proposed by Pope Francis and reaffirmed in the International Congress of Salesian Works and Social Services 2022, (Rome, Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2022), the Salesians of BBH today affirm, "Being an outgoing Church, quoting Pope Francis, requires time and effort, implies being creative and, at the same time, learning with others and from others, from the pioneering initiatives carried out by other realities of the Congregation or outside of it. Walking together in the new peripheries, as an institution, means generating complicity, mutual support, motivation, greater confidence to innovate and transform local practices."
The Social Impact Report of the Belo Horizonte Province 2021-2022 is available in full here.