Chile – Centenary of the birth of Fr. Mario Borello, SDB: teacher of faith and apostle of catechesis

16 January 2023

(ANS - Santiago) - On the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Salesian catechist Fr. Mario Borello (Jan. 10, 1923 - Dec. 2, 2017), the Provincial Youth Ministry Team of the Province of Chile chose to pay him a grateful tribute for his contribution to catechesis in Chile and throughout Latin America.

Referring to the origins of the oratory, Don Bosco used to say that "this Company in its beginning was a simple catechism." And Fr. Mario, who was born on January 10, 1923, in Turin but lived practically his entire Salesian life in Chile, spent his entire existence so that this dimension of the Salesian charism could be developed through his work, research and publications.

In an interview with the Salesian Bulletin of Chile in 2005, Fr. Borello recalled that Article 34 of the Salesian Constitutions gives central importance to catechesis in the Congregation's work: "For us, evangelization and catechesis are the fundamental dimension of our mission...we are called, all and on all occasions, to be educators in the faith."

In this way, his work as a catechist not only had an impact within the Salesian Province, but also made a valuable contribution to the entire Church in Chile and on the continent.

Fr. Borello was, in fact, Director of the National Commission of Catechesis appointed by the Bishops' Conference, founded the Higher Institute of Catechesis (Catequeticum), served as honorary president of the Chilean Society of Catechists (SOCHICAT) and Secretary for Catechesis of the Latin American Bishops' Conference (CELAM).

He also participated in the Fourth General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Catechesis, in 1977, and the Third Conference of Latin American Bishops, held in 1979 in Puebla, Mexico, advising the Episcopal Commission on Catechesis.

Among his writings the following texts remain as milestones:

–     "Fundamental Catechesis," divided into four parts: "Fundamental Pastoral Theology," "Fundamental Catechesis for Faith Educators," "Methodological Reflections for Faith Educators," and "Psychopedagogy of Religiosity from Catechesis."

–     "How to Live the Faith," also divided into four parts, "This is our FAITH! Pastoral Presentation of the Baptismal Creed"; "We are a Celebrating People. Pastoral Presentation of the Liturgy and Sacraments"; "Come and Follow Me. Christian Morals"; and "Hear Our Prayer. Prayer is a Matter of Friendship."

As for his educational work, hundreds of people have attended his courses nationally and internationally: bishops, priests, nuns, seminarians, catechists, and apostolic staff members have been enriched by his teachings for more than four decades.

It is for this reason that the bishops of Chile acknowledged him as a "fundamental pillar of the renewal of catechesis in Chile," an affirmation that was sealed with the awarding of the St. James the Apostle Cross in 2016.

For all these reasons, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth, the Province of Chile wants to pay tribute to Fr. Borello by dedicating a year to the study of his works.

The "Evangelization and Catechesis" area of the Sector for Youth Ministry of the Chilean Province will offer pastoral aids, seminars, and conferences to better approach his legacy, so that Salesian catechists who carry out their pastoral work in schools, parishes, and universities can be made aware of the renewal of catechesis in Chile that he worked upon, and continue his work, as true apostles of catechesis.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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