RMG – The "diary" of Artemide Zatti’s canonization

06 December 2022

(ANS - Rome) - In anticipation of the liturgy of Saint Artemide Zatti on November 13th, the Agency iNfo Salesiana is glad to relaunch those published news items on the subject, which serves as a 'diary' of the canonization of the Saintly Infirmarian.

The booklet traces Artemide Zatti's journey towards the altars, from the first announcement of his canonization on April 9, 2022, to the central events of Oct. 8 and 9 at the Vatican, in the presence of Pope Francis; it goes even further, presenting a selection from among the countless events of thanksgiving to God that took place following the canonization - privileged in this selection were the events and manifestations that had global value as they were part of the institutional initiatives of the Congregation, or that took place in places particularly linked to St. Artemide Zatti, such as Boretto and Viedma.

There is also no shortage of reflections on Zatti’s as a character and figure of holiness, and plenty of references to readily available resources in the digital world for further study and insights.

The content of these pages is formed by a selection, however extremely ample, of the articles that throughout this period were by ANS to cover the long journey to sainthood of Artemide Zatti, accompanied by the most beautiful photos of the saint himself or pictures taken at the various events.

“These pages intend to enhance and give stability to the great communicative effort made by the team of the Salesian iNfo Agency (ANS) at the service of the Congregation and the Salesian Family, as well as of the many other voices that - at the international, national, provincial or local-level publishers, radio and TV broadcasters, Bulletins, websites, blogs, social networks - collaborated in the coverage and amplification of Zatti's canonization,” explains the agency’s director, Fr. Harris Pakkam.

By bringing together in a well-designed manner the many informative items produced, the booklet in fact intends to prevent the treasure trove of celebrations, testimonies, and popular materials developed for Artemide Zatti Saint from being dispersed, lost, and instead intends to make them available for future memory as well. 

The booklet is already available today in PDF format in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Polish.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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