India - Assam Finance Minister inaugurates building designated for Academic Arts at "Don Bosco College"

18 November 2022

Golaghat, India - November 2022 - Last Nov. 12, the Minister of Finance, Women and Child Development of the Indian state of Assam, Hon. Ajanta Neog, inaugurated the first and second floors of the building designated for Academic Arts, the computer lab, and the power plant powered by solar panels at "Don Bosco College." The program was coordinated by the management of "Don Bosco College" and the Student Forum, under the leadership of Fr. Anthonysamy Amaladoss, Vice Principal of the college. The event was also attended by the President of Golaghat Municipality, Mrs. Du Lumoni Borbora, numerous benefactors, and religious. This important initiative aims to improve the literacy rate in Golaghat. For this came the congratulations of the Minister who, in her speech, recalled that education is the foundation of society and congratulated "Don Bosco College" for its excellent work in promoting education among young people. Finally, after the greetings of the Principal, Fr. Policarp Xalxo, the students performed folkloric dances, wearing traditional Assamese, Karbi, Adivasi, Wancho clothing, thus highlighting how cultural diversity is protected and encouraged at this institution.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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