Colombia - Delegates, Rectors, Coordinators of "St Peter Claver" Province gathered for provincial review and planning meeting
Bogota, Colombia - November 2022 - The Salesian Spirituality House "San Francisco de Sales - El Porvenir" hosted the provincial review and planning meeting of the Salesian Province "St. Peter Claver" of Colombia-Bogota (COB) attended by Delegates, Rectors, and Coordinators. It was an opportunity to present the main achievements of 2022 and to discuss the challenges that await the province in the coming year. Various workshops were also held during the two-day meeting with Salesians and their collaborators to analyze and evaluate how the Provincial Organic Project has been implemented in these first two years. Fr. John Jairo Gómez Rúa, COB Provincial, then urged those present to always work with the will and desire to dedicate themselves to young people.