Ecuador - A day of formation for young communicators

25 October 2022

Ecuador - October 2022 - More than 120 boys and girls took part in the Young Communicators Meeting held digitally. The event constitutes a space for formation and animation for young people who participate in the communication activities of the different communities and works of the Salesian Province of Ecuador (ECU). Groups from FMA educational institutions also participated in this meeting to share their experiences. The theme of the day was "Communication Skills for Youth." Fr. David Reinoso, SDB, from Mexico, who from his experience shared with the youth some tips for communicating and evangelizing in virtual courtyards such as Instagram and TikTok. Afterward, Jelysi Motoche and Edison Paucar, members of "El Gris - the radio that listens to you," spoke about the best practices of this Salesian youth media, carried out by the youth of the Salesian Youth Movement and oratories since May 2020. Fr. Francisco Sánchez, ECU Provincial, also spoke through a video, in which he told the young participants that the province needs young people who are passionate about communication and who, through networking, encourage creative work and can communicate good news to many people. "You are transmitters of the good news of the Lord, of the Salesian good news." The formation session was accompanied by Tatiana Capelo, Delegate for Social Communication, who addressed the young people, calling them "the communicative seed," and who explained that these formative moments are a stimulus to carry out the task of evangelization and to be good Christians and honest citizens through communication.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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