India – Don Bosco among his Children for the Centenary Celebrations

24 October 2022

(ANS – Guwahati) – The Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime arrived in the morning at Guwahati to participate in the Centenary Celebrations planned to commemorate the arrival of the Salesians in North East India. He was warmly received at the airport by the provincials of Guwahati, Shillong and Dimapur and accompanied to the Provincial House.

Great crowds had gathered around the provincial to welcome the tenth successor of Don Bosco in their midst. Salesian confreres, Sisters, Salesian Co-operators, Past pupils, laity and collaborators from many of the parishes and centres, and hundreds of young people had gathered to receive the Rector Major with great joy and enthusiasm. Sister Provincials of FMA, MSMHC and SMI were also present to receive him.

The Rector Major was escorted by the scouts and guides from Don Bosco School, Guwahati, followed by the band players. The students of Don Bosco Kumarikata filled the air with music and expressed the mood of joy and exuberance as they happily welcomed the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco for the Centenary Celebrations. Then a troupe of traditional dancers with their graceful steps of Bihu accompanied the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel together with Fr. Biju Michael, the Regional Superior of South Asia. The Young people were dressed in the traditional attire of the different tribes of the northeast region, to showcase the beauty and richness of the northeastern region, among whom the Salesians have served joyfully for the past 100 years.

Fr. Januarius S. Sangma, the provincial of Guwahati, welcomed the Rector Major and spoke to the gathering about the importance of the milestone and the gratitude of the region towards the Salesians for their untiring zeal and mission. "Looking at the past 100 years, we see uncountable blessings, so we look at the past with gratitude, celebrate the present passionately and look to the future with greater determination, " said Fr. Januarius in his speech.

The short gathering was enlivened by the welcome song and performance by the students of Don Bosco Institute and Don Bosco Institute of Management Guwahati. The Student groups from Guwahati sang together the centenary anthem, which unveiled the mood of the occasion. A beautiful display of the Tiwa tribal dance by the children from Umswai and Karbi Anglong captured the hearts of all.  It was indeed a fitting welcome accorded to the Rector Major on his arrival to Guwahati.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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