RMG – INB Province awaits the visit of the Rector Major

19 October 2022

(ANS – Rome) – Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, the Rector Major of the Salesians, will be visiting the Salesian Province of Bombay from 21-23 October 2022. This will be his third visit to Mumbai since his appointment in 2014, and though Fr Á.F. Artime will be spending a short time in the Province, his schedule is packed with meetings, visits and celebrations.

The Province of Bombay celebrates the Golden Jubilee of its inception, and for the past three years, the Salesians in the Province have mused on the glorious past with much gratitude for the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon them, and the many lives that they have brightened through their animating presence. These years have also been spent much thought in looking at the future that lies ahead. Enlightened by the General Chapter 28 and the Provincial Chapter held earlier this year, the Salesians have recalibrated their vision and mission for the Province.

Thanks to zealous missionaries, the Province can boast of expansion in the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, and also the region of Central Maharashtra; all of which happened post 1972. Therefore SYMBIOS 2022, a mega Salesian youth gathering which will be held on 21 and 22 October, aims to celebrate the diversity of cultures and peoples that make up the Province of Bombay. Over 300 youth are expected to participate in this event held at the campus of Don Bosco, Matunga. During this event, Fr Á.F. Artime will be celebrating a thanksgiving Eucharist for the gift of St Artemide Zatti to the Salesian congregation, interacting with the youth, and sharing a meal with them.

The Don Bosco campus at Nerul seeks to provide for the young a space to become entrepreneurs, to gather and spend time in meaningful activities. A new wing has been carefully designed so as to offer students the best of opportunities in the field of mass media, communication and science. On 22 October, Fr Á.F. Artime will inaugurate this new building which will be a huge blessing to the education sector of the Province.

On 23 October, Fr Á.F. Artime will travel to Lonavla to participate in the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of the Aspirantate. Don Bosco, Lonavla, is a place close to the heart of every Salesian in the Province as over 75 percent of them have passed through its portals as boys, while the rest at some time or the other have been a part of the community. Since 1962, the institution has formed thousands of young students into good persons and honest citizens.  Fr Á.F. Artime will preside over the Eucharist, and spend some time with the Salesians, aspirants and alumni.

In his past two visits, Fr Á.F. Artime has been fascinated by the diversity of culture and apostolate in the Province. In recent weeks, he has expressed time and again that he is looking forward to this visit to Mumbai. As for the Province of Bombay, it is indeed a moment of grace to welcome him in its Golden Jubilee year.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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