Brazil – 3rd National Meeting of Salesian Network of Parishes and Shrines

23 September 2022

Núcleo Bandeirante, Brazil - September 2022 - The III National Meeting of the Salesian Network of Parishes and Shrines was held from September 16 to 18 to study and deepen the document "Parishes and Shrines Entrusted to Salesians," proposed by the Congregation's Sector for Salesian Youth Ministry. It was attended by 60 people including pastors, vicars, and lay people from parishes and shrines entrusted to the Salesians in Brazil. The Salesians currently manage 72 parishes (seven of them parish-shrines) and seven other shrines (three of them basilicas) in Brazil, as well as seven indigenous parishes and one university parish. On Sept. 17, Fr. Ricardo Carlos, Superior of the Brazil-Campo Grande (BCG) Province, presided over the Eucharist at the Don Bosco Shrine. Among the various discussions held, one of them referred to the challenges of the world of youth, as the parish is a privileged space for the evangelization of young people: education, the world of work/qualification of young people, religious experiences that are less institutional, sexuality and family relationships/new family models. At the end of the meeting, some commitments made for the biennium 2023-2024 were outlined including: overcoming the dangerous tendency to "fractionalization"; ensuring that each Salesian parish, without detracting from diocesan priorities, decisively and courageously expresses the Salesian identity of the community; and strengthening those processes that guarantee the growth of youth groups, with special attention to the vocation animation service and the SYM.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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