Costa Rica - Salesians in Zapote inaugurate new festive oratory named after St. Francis de Sales

13 July 2022

Zapote, Costa Rica - July 2022 - On Saturday, July 2, the Salesians of Zapote inaugurated a new festive oratory that will benefit children and youth in the communities surrounding the educational center. The initiative was undertaken to mark 125 years of Salesian presence in Costa Rica and the 400th anniversary of St. Francis de Sales' ascension to heaven. The working group, composed of students, staff members, and alumni of the institution, animated the first welcoming experience. The event began with a welcome to the new Oratorians and continued with the words of Fr. Laurens Torres Artavia, Rector of the "Salesian Don Bosco" center, and the ribbon-cutting that officially inaugurated the "St. Francis de Sales Festive Oratory." Afterward, there were various group dynamics led by the assistants, a snack, and a time of reflection that concluded the first day. For the future, plans are for activities to take place on weekends, both in the "Salesian Don Bosco" facilities and in the parish of Zapote.




ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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