Italy – Ethics and peace after Ukraine

26 May 2022

(ANS - Messina) - The "Ethics and Peace after Ukraine" Symposium was held last Friday, May 20, at the Messina School of Bioethics and Sexology - "St. Thomas" Theological Institute. The event was well attended by students, faculty, alumni of the school and friends. The proceedings were moderated by the school's rector, Fr Giovanni Russo, a Salesian, who introduced the theme and recalled that the graduate school will be celebrating its 25th anniversary in the coming academic year.

Doctors, biologists, ecologists, lawyers, philosophers, theologians and, above all, teachers have always participated in the school, who then try to mediate the knowledge they have learned with school children for a more mature bioethics education.

Presenting papers for the May 20 symposium, included the following distinguished scholars: Prof. Marianna Gensabella Furnari, professor of Bioethics and member of the National Committee for Bioethics; Hon. Lucio Romano, physician and gynecologist, Senator of the Republic, professor of Bioethics and former National President of the " Scienza & Vita" Association; Prof. Vittoria Calabrò, from the State School of History of Political Institutions; and Prof. Fr Paolo Fichera, Salesian philosopher and theologian, professor of Social Morals and Social Doctrine of the Church, at the "St. Thomas" Theological Institute, aggregated with the Faculty of Theology at UPS.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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