Costa Rica – Re-opening of Sister Maria Romero Museum and of Marian Hall "St. John Paul II"

01 April 2022

(ANS - San José) - The reopening of the Museum dedicated to the Blessed Daughter of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) Sr Maria Romero Meneses (1902-1977) and also of the Marian Hall "St John Paul II" took place last Friday, March 25, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, in the "Mary Help of Christians" House of the Social Works "Sr Maria Romero", in San José, Costa Rica. Both rooms had been closed for two years due to reorganization work, infrastructure repairs, and the protocols adopted during the pandemic.

In 2019, the cultural institution made agreements with the Museums of Costa Rica entity for a reorientation to improve the quality of the Sister Maria Romero Museum. As part of those agreements, work was done on manually dating each piece and creating a database. In addition, improvements were made to the infrastructure, the lighting system was replaced, as well as the flooring, and work was done to prevent moisture in the walls.

Thus, while volunteer students of Art History from the University of Costa Rica, in coordination with the Museums of Costa Rica, carried out the task of dating the artifacts, the structural work was ensured thanks to the collaboration of the Sister Maria Romero Historical Center and with the financial support of the Association of Friends of Sister Maria Romero (ASORMARI) and other people close to the work.

Finally, on March 25, the solemn reopening took place. The act was accompanied by the celebration of a Eucharist, presided over by Fr Cristian Alberto Bermúdez, of the Sister Maria Romero Historical Theological Center. Afterward, Sister Carmen Durán, FMA, Vicar of the Province of Central South America, cut the ribbon, accompanied by the director of the house, Sister Isabel Rodríguez, the sisters of the same community, members of ASORMARI, student volunteers, friends, and young people.

Also enthroned on the occasion was a replica of the statue of Our Lady of the Angels, Patroness of Costa Rica, donated by Costa Rican sculptor Luis Alonso Ramirez.

"We hope that these spaces will continue to be a historical and spiritual testimony of the action that God with Mary Help of Christians carried out through Blessed Maria Romero and that continues through her social works, still active today to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable," commented the FMA of Costa Rica.

Blessed Sister Maria Romero Meneses was born in Nicaragua at the beginning of the 20th century. When she was still a child, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians arrived in her country. Attracted by the Salesian charism, she made her novitiate in El Salvador. She made her perpetual vows in Granada, Nicaragua, and in 1931 was sent to Costa Rica. In this country, she did enormous work with the neediest. Among the social works she undertook were medical consultations, vocational training courses, clothing collections, food assistance, help for street girls... She was declared blessed in 2002 by Pope John Paul II.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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