Cameroon – A time of grace for the Africa-Madagascar region

20 March 2022

(ANS - Yaoundé) – From 17 to 23 March 2022, the Africa – Madagascar region is experiencing a time of grace with the presence and animation of the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime who is leading the spiritual exercises for the provincials and their councillors of the Africa – Madagascar Region.  Thirteen provinces are represented, except that of Madagascar. The confreres working in the regional services were also invited, in particular the secretariat of CIVAM, "Don Bosco Tech Africa" and "SAFCAM".

At the beginning of the retreat, the Rector Major invited each Provincial to present the members of his council.

In his introductory words, the Rector Major made it clear that the confreres participating in this retreat are responsible for the charism of Don Bosco as well as for animation and governance.  He said that the Region has great potential and a great responsibility. He then stressed that the Holy Spirit is the real protagonist of the retreat, and Mary is also present and accompanies them.

On the first day, the Rector Major highlighted the purpose of the retreat, referring to the eight themes of GC28.  He also gave a reflection on the statistics of the Congregation (updated on 31 December 2021), to show the reality of the Congregation and the growth and vitality of Salesian life. 

The Rector Major affirmed that the Congregation was a very dynamic reality in all regions, and he dwelt on two aspects of fundamental importance: the charismatic identity and the name of Don Bosco in the Church and in the world, and the commitment to work for and with poor young people.  If these two elements were lost, then it would be the end of the Congregation!  The Rector Major also affirmed that Pope Francis greatly appreciated the Salesians of Don Bosco and that he thanks them for their work of education and evangelisation among the poorest young people.  With great conviction the Rector Major concluded "we have a very beautiful Congregation"!

It was interesting to have the data not only of the Africa-Madagascar Region, but also from other regions.  Currently there are 1874 confreres in the Africa – Madagascar region, and the average age of the confreres is 40.  The total number of Salesian houses is 231 (all canonical and non-canonical houses).  The Region is constantly growing; in the year 2022, there will be more than 2000 confreres in the Region.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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