Venezuela - Visit to community of St Isidore by new Bishop of Petare and feast of Don Bosco

11 February 2022

Petare, Venezuela - February 2022 - On February 5, the feast of Don Bosco was celebrated in the community of St Isidore, Petare, with the participation of all the apostolic groups that frequent that community, with its chapel and youth center, and the presence of the young Salesians Rabarison Georges and Meyber Espinoza. Children, adolescents and young people lived an afternoon full of games, participated in a gymkhana to learn about the values and attitudes of St John Bosco and a show of prestidigitation. Then, as part of his pastoral visit to the "Christ King" parish of Caucaguita, Msgr. Juan Carlos Bravo Salazar, first Bishop of the diocese of Petare (established just last November), also joined the celebrations: the prelate was welcomed by the young people with great joy, and after a fraternal sharing with the pastoral agents, he presided over the Eucharist in honor of Don Bosco, concelebrated by the Salesians Fr Alexander Morales and Fr Luis German Patro.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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