Cameroon - Feast Day of Don Bosco with young people

31 January 2022

Nkol’Afeme, Cameroon - January 2022 - The Salesians of the "St Augustine" Theological Studentate of Nkol’Afeme, in Yaoundé, celebrated the feast day of St John Bosco with about 400 young people from the "Don Bosco" youth center. The day began with the Eucharistic celebrations in the parish of "Mary Queen of the Apostles", which was very popular with young people. Then it continued with a friendly football match with a team from a nearby oratory and the final of the “Don Bosco” Football Tournament at the youth center, won by “FC Evolution”. A treasure hunt was organized for the children centered on the life of Don Bosco. The day ended with several cultural and modern presentations by the youth center’s young, the awards ceremony of the tournaments and competitions, and the words of encouragement from Fr Private Ignace, Delegate for Youth Ministry. The Salesians of Nkol'Afeme are engaged in their apostolate with children and young people and are familiarizing themselves with the culture and people of the place to create ever more a model youth center for education and culture, a place of spiritual animation and a place where young people feel at home.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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