Spain - Rector Major meets 300 animators of youth centers

24 January 2022

(ANS - Madrid) - About three hundred animators of the youth centers of the Province of St. James the Greater (SSM) gathered on Saturday, January 22, in the theater of the "Salesianos Estrecho" work in Madrid to welcome and listen to Don Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians.

An important moment of this meeting was when the Successor of Don Bosco was invited by the young people to play dice. The theatrical group "Amorevo" performed a scene from Don Bosco's life in which the Saint met some youngsters in the street and began to play dice with them. At a certain point, he collected the dice and what the youngsters had bet, and ran back to his oratory in Valdocco, followed by the youngsters. The boys and girls of "Amorevo", dancing, threw large dice that formed different images, from which the dialogue between the Rector Major and the young people developed.

The 10th Successor of Don Bosco spoke to the young animators about the need to take care of themselves, going beyond the current health situation. He then encouraged them to cultivate the "culture of caring for people, caring for others and for themselves," and to work to promote this culture in the youth centers, so that all of them, boys, girls, and young people, "perceive that we care for them, that we are interested in each of them."

In his dialogue with young people, he also encouraged them to grow in their care of Creation, of the Common Home. "Together we can change the world," he said, "I believe in the strength we have. He then urged them to continue to cultivate attitudes that have a positive impact on the environment, such as consuming less, being responsible, growing in sensitivity to Creation and "transmitting this outlook to others."

When asked about the digital world and social networks, the Rector Major explained that "we cannot be digital illiterates," that we must also be in the midst of this world to evangelize, "making our youth centers, our Salesian houses visible, as Don Bosco did in his day." But he warned of possible risks, such as the "tendency to constant exhibitionism and possible crimes," and insisted that animators "educate boys and girls to use digital technologies correctly," because "not everything is right."

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, looking at the theater and watching the young animators, told them, "you are one of the most beautiful realities we have in our presences," and recalled that being animators should serve "as a path of personal growth and to promoting the culture of service and donation."

The meeting with the animators continued in the church of the Salesian house in Estrecho, where a Liturgy of the Word was celebrated. The Rector Major exhorted the young people to be salt and light in the midst of the world, in their task of animators of other young people.

To conclude, he presented a candle to the representative of each youth center, as a sign of the commitment of these Salesian environments to continue the pastoral educational mission among young people.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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