Italy – SF Spirituality Days 2022: "We shall do all for love, nothing by constraint"

16 January 2022

(ANS - Turin) - The final session of the Salesian Family Spirituality Days is a more delicate moment: the extensive and fervent work of the regional groups of the previous days must arrive at a synthesis that indicates the "news" that emerged and the “intentions” for the year that opens. Just as Don Bosco wanted to impress a "strong thought" on his boys, so the Rector Major today must also be able to ascertain whether the thread that binds the 32 Groups to common inspiration is sufficiently robust, to ensure unity of purpose, and long enough, to envelop a reality extended to 134 countries. The "miracle" occurs: in the minute and a half assigned to each referent, it emerges that the topic has been adequately mulled over, both individually and by the 150 participants, and above all that each returns with a rich baggage to share in their respective Groups.

“We are a large family with roots of holiness,” began Sister Leslie del Socorro Sándigo, General Councilor for the Salesian Family of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. “We are grateful for these days in which we have grown in the sense of belonging.” Sister Chiara Cazzuola, Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, echoed her, and in her audio message spoke “of the beauty of fraternity and of the gift of hope and love that we give to ourselves."

“Removing the intervals between life and spirituality, relating to others from heart to heart, living the spirit of friendship with St. Francis de Sales”: the Salesian Cooperators, through Marina and Andrea, will make what has been put into focus on these Days the theme of the paths of formation of their Groups. So also the Association of Mary Help of Christians, for which Renato invited “to have more relationships and fewer things to do. We have been called to the essentials of our being Christians, and to the courage to evangelize by being 'disarmed', respecting freedom following the example of St. Francis de Sales.”

Past pupils, both men and women, emphasized continuity with the past, but with great attention to the new signs of the times. “Our responsibility is to continue the work of those who preceded us, and we must reflect on this past while we are asked to understand the future,” said Bryan Magro, Confederal President of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco from the stage; while Maria Carmen Castillon, Confederal President of FMA Past Pupils, from Minnesota: "Our affiliation with the Salesian Family has not changed, and the question we want to answer is 'what would Don Bosco say today' in the situations we are in."

The head of the Volunteers of Don Bosco identified two points: “Spirituality and true interiority to serve better, to humanize relationships; discern the meaning of goodness to implement it in practice."

"The work of evangelization in Japanese society is difficult, difficult to overcome the level of philanthropy, but we will continue to communicate the love of God with courage and patience" began the spokesperson of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus, supported by the new Mother General, Mother Emiliana Park, who recalled the missionary commitment in the five continents, with the new borders in South Sudan and Uganda: “Pride and responsibility also for the rise of new professed in those countries.”

Finally, a heterogeneous working group that included Canção Nova and the Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart of Jesus recommended "the commitment of the heart to take even small steps, to implement what has been sown, also looking at the social and political field". The Contemplative Fraternity of Mary of Nazareth also suggested that we "consider the world as our monastery, trusting in the action of God."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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