Philippines - Damage to Salesian structures caused by typhoon Rai

17 December 2021

(ANS - Cebu) - Typhoon Rai hit the Philippines on the eve of Thursday 16 December and reached the city of Cebu around 5 pm yesterday, local time. For three hours, powerful winds and gusts accompanied by moderate rain lashed the city. The typhoon lasted four hours before the intensity subsided. At 10 pm, the supply of electrical power was turned off across the entire island of Cebu as a preventive measure.

This morning, December 17, the island woke up to the devastation caused by the winds. Official news is starting to count the victims, but hopefully, the number is low. “After visiting the city by bicycle, I found that our school in Cebu City, the ‘Don Bosco Technical College’, was the most damaged among the Salesian houses,” explains Fr Keith Amodia, Delegate for Social Communication of the FIS Province. “Our youth center in Pasil, which was close to the sea, also suffered damage from the wind and waves. The structural integrity of the perimeter fence has already been compromised and the whole thing is starting to lean to one side. Should it yield, the Salesians will be exposed to the river and the sea with the risk of also being pillaged,” he added.

Internet services are scarce as many transmission lines have been damaged and phone batteries are also starting to drain without power. Many families have lost their homes, especially those built with lightweight materials. There are also problems with drinking water, as the water district has suspended the supply. The government is therefore trying to deliver water to communities through fire trucks.

“I am able to give you this report because our school has a generator, but it will only last until 8 pm and therefore we will spend the night in the dark,” continues Fr Amodia. “It is interesting to note that the direct internet line we are using for the online lessons of the school still works, but it will only last as long as there is electricity. Please pray for us. Many families here are suffering from being exposed to the elements. People are flocking to gas stations and hardware stores. The Cebuans, however, are hardy people. For generations, the Cebuans have lived with this climate, only now the storms are stronger due to climate change,” he said.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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