Spain - Salesian Social Platforms share their employment projects with other European entities
Madrid, Spain - November 2021 - The Pinardi Federation of Salesian Social Platforms hosted a "Step Up" training meeting in Madrid in November. This is part of the European Erasmus Plus educational project for the formation and professional development of support tutoring. The meeting made it possible to share best-practices for the employability of young people through a new pedagogical model for the preparation, training and support of Trainers in private firms. The European partners from Lithuania, Germany, Italy, and Spain were welcomed by the Pinardi Federation, which presented its organization and its different areas of intervention, and, in detail, the youth employability project "Primera Experiencia Profesional", describing the precise profile of young beneficiaries, networking with mentors, collaborating companies and integral accompaniment. During the days, the partners were able to visit, among other things, the "Pan Bendito" platform in Pinardi and the "Unidad de formación e Inserción Laboral" center, in Puerta Bonita. Finally, the “Juntos por el empleo” project and the “INCO WorkinTech” educational program were presented.