Cameroon - Meeting of the Youth Ministry Teams of ATE Salesian Vice Province
Yaoundé, Cameroon - November 2021 - The meeting of the Youth Ministry (YM) commission and teams took place on 29 November, at the Provincial House of the Salesian Vice Province of Tropical Equatorial Africa (ATE), in Yaoundé. The meeting was held to reflect on the three-year youth ministry animation plan and the guidelines offered by the Youth Ministry Provincial Delegates of the Salesian Region of Africa-Madagascar. Fr Xavier Zilly, the YM Delegate of the ATE Vice Province, presented guidelines and the three-year plan of the YM, divided into 4 areas of animation, each with its own specific objective:
1. Salesians and young people
2. Return to Don Bosco
3. Pastors and lay people trained for the poorest and most abandoned young people
4. Vocation Ministry.
The meeting also provided an opportunity to start a discussion on the effectiveness of the Vice Province platform for young people of the Salesian Youth Movement.