Italy – Caritas Sisters GC18 concludes at Valdocco with the Rector Major

22 October 2021

(ANS – Turin) – The 18th General Chapter of the Caritas Sisters of Jesus concluded with the Eucharist celebrated by the Rector Major Fr Ángel Fernández Artime at the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco, Turin, on 21 October 2021 at 11:30 AM. After two weeks of the General Council in Ariccia, near Rome, the 45 GC18 Delegates travelled to Turin, Valdocco, to entrust their 6 year journey to Mary Help of Christians.

They prayed for the new General Council: Mother Superior: Sr Emiliana Park (Korean); Vicar: Sr. Maria Tsujihara (Japanese) ; Formation: Sr. Maria Letizia Ono (Japanese); Missions: Sr. Veronica Hamasaki (Brazilian); Economer General: Sr. Dafrosa Oh (Korean); Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Councilor: Sr. Evangeline Min (Korean); Spirituality: Sr Maria Mukai (Japanese).

During the Send-off Eucharist, the 10th Successor of Don Bosco, Fr Á.F. Artime, addressed the Sisters in a 3 point homily:

First - Thanks for the new leadership: “Mother Emiliana, excuse my frankness, but if you carry out your service truly in the name of the Lord Jesus, just like the grain of wheat you will have to die a little daily to give life to your sisters, and there is no doubt that the Lord will bless this gift of self and service...”

Second - Invitation to fidelity to the charism: “Calling you to truly be life for so many, light of the world, salt in the mission among the poorest. After this Chapter, God is calling you, my dear sisters, to advance in personal and charismatic holiness, to be ever more faithful in the simplicity of your life...”

Third - Inspired by the Gospel: “My dear sisters, only faith truly saves us, lifts us up, heals us, and gives and will give your Congregation all the strength to continue the mission for which you have been raised by the Holy Spirit himself. Only faith in Jesus, and only Jesus himself.”

At the end of the homily Fr Á.F. Artime concluded: “May the blessing of Mary Help of Christians that we will offer at the end of this solemn celebration be once more the missionary sending out as it was for Fr Cavoli and Fr Cimatti.”

After the conclusion, the GC18 Delegates coming from all five continents, will attend the blessing of the renewed birthplace-house of Fr Antonio Cavoli (1888-1972) at San Giovanni in Marignano, Rimini.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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