This text proposes a syllabus to be covered over a period of two years of education, aimed at helping students to reflect and reason, so that they can develop an ecological awareness and adopt more sustainable ways of relating to Creation.
The itinerary is aimed at the ecological clubs of the 15 Salesian secondary schools in the Dominican Republic, and will thus directly involve about 6,892 students.
The methodology used by the text was explained by Mrs. Monica Volonteri, director of the SM Foundation, a non-profit educational institution that develops research projects and teacher training and interventions in vulnerable social contexts; while Fr William Batista, SDB, head of the Salesian School Sector, presented the expected impact of this syllabus on the young people of the Salesian schools who will receive the training material.
“As Salesians, we can only courageously take on the challenge of formation from this perspective, which is renewing and full of hope, aware that the new generations are very concerned for the care of the planet which they will inherit from us. This is why we accompany our boys and girls in generating valuable initiatives and together we change our habits to help heal the world,” said Fr Batista on the occasion.
A number of authorities took part in the official launch of this initiative, including: the Deputy Minister for the Environment, Federico Franco; the Mayor of the National District, Carolina Mejía; Fr José Pastor Ramírez, SDB, Superior of the Salesians of the Antilles, as well as representatives of various institutions that work for the protection and care of the environment, and students of Salesian schools.