Many of Don Bosco's pedagogical intuitions in many educational contexts, continue to exude reason, religion and loving-kindness as pillars of the Preventive System conceived by Don Bosco. In all these years, inevitably many things have changed but there is an Ariadne’s thread of sorts that accompanies the story of the "Don Bosco" of Alassio: the presence of a beautiful educational community that knows how to get involved every day, welcoming the challenges of the time with hope.
The Circumscription of Central Italy (ICC) in deciding to implement a renewal of the organizational and management methods at its presence at Alassio, has entrusted it to a group of lay people, under the direction of the Salesians. This famous Salesan presence has seen stalwards like Fr Giulivo Torri, Fr Natale Tedoldi, Fr Mario Perinati, Fr Sandro Mariotti and Fr Karim Madjidi who has been the former Rector at the Institute of Rome, Florence and is presently the rector in Vallecrosia.
This vitality and enthusiasm is confirmed by the many activities offered in the Pastoral Education Community during the first two weeks of school to the middle and high school students in addition to their lessons: "school in the fields", a three-day exposure in contact with nature in the alpine house of Nava, experienced in a play-filled atmosphere with shared responsibility and mutual understanding between students and teachers: A Mass at the beginning of the year was celebrated by Fr Karim on Monday, 20 September, precisely on the anniversary of the foundation of the house by Don Bosco. The "Good morning talk", a brief moment of reflection that opens the days at school every day, according to a happy tradition initiated by Mamma Margaret continues, and finally the open day is observed every day, in order to permit anyone to "come and see" and choose to enter the joy of the great Salesian Family.
by Gianmaria Mandara
Source: Avvenire