Mexico – New impulse for Salesian technical education

02 September 2021

(ANS - San Luis Potosí) - With the start of the new school year in Mexico, the Salesian Institute "Carlos Gómez" in the city of San Luis Potosí has launched this August 2021, a “Senior Technician” university diploma program, expanding its educational offer even further, through its Technical Graduation Program. Now the technical training offered corresponds to the level of higher education and is designed to help its students to obtain an engineering degree.

The lessons of this new educational reality began in mid-August with two curriculums: University Senior Technician (TSU) in Industrial Maintenance; and TSU in Mechatronics (integrating Mechanics & Electronics). The Program has been inaugurated after a lengthy efforts and initiatives by the school directors for approvals and registrations of official validity (RVOE) by technology education authorities and the due approval of the Salesian Provincial and his Council. The feasibility studies done earlier had considered the strong industrial character of this area of ​​the country, in particular the automotive sector, which requires more and more technicians of better quality & skills and not just with theoretical knowledge alone. These coupled with a solid human and faith formation, such as the one offered by this institution turned out this an advantage.

The medium and long-term plan provides for the inclusion of new TSU programs and some engineering programs that would allow students to reach this level of study in 3 years and 8 months. For the moment, the lessons and internships will be held in the structures already used by the Salesian Institute "Carlos Gómez" for the technical degree, but the process of restructuring and fitting out the spaces for the new laboratories, workshops, as well as their equipment, is already underway. These updated structures will also allow workers from different local industries, through specific collaboration programs, to be trained in new processes and technologies.

Obviously, the lessons have started in compliance with the anti-contagion measures of Covid-19.

According to Fr Agapito Francisco Espinoza, Director of the "Carlos Gómez", the novelty of these courses makes this institute of higher education, the "first technological institution” run by the religious to the upper secondary level in the Mexican lowland area and through this educational offer, "Many young people will have the opportunity to be qualified to transform their environments according to a humanistic-Christian vision, as Don Bosco did in his time in Turin."

Currently, the Mexico-Guadalajara Province (MEG) has two technological education institutions: the Don Bosco Technical Institute (Intec) in the city of Saltillo, capital of the state of Coahuila; and "el Salesiano", as the educational work of the Sons of Don Bosco in San Luis Potosí is best known, which for more than 60 years has served the youth of the area. The training model of the "Intec" in Saltillo, which also offers TSU and engineering courses, has inspired what is being promoted in San Luis Potosí.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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