The first promised members of Seoul’s ADMA group are Maria Yoo, Miriam Kim, Monica Ryoo, Gracia Na, Justina Baek, Teresa Park, and Bernard Yoo. They have been prepared by their Spiritual Animator, Sr. Susanna Lee, over the past 3 years in weekly formation sessions held in the FMA provincial house, Seoul.
We asked each of the first Seoul ADMA group: What changed in your life after you joined ADMA?
# During the last 3 years of formation I have studied the ADMA regulations, the Introduction to the Devout Life (St Francis de Sales) and ADMA Online. In this way, I have begun to model my life according to Don Bosco and Mary Help of Christians. My own family is surprised and rejoiced: Our mother changed! Like Mary, I’m trying to deal with everything as a ‘gentle woman’.
# Since 2018 also my involvement in our parish community has changed a lot: in these challenging pandemic times, I am close to the parents of the Sunday school children, reminding them with patience never give up sending their children to the catechism meetings. Without even realizing it, I became not only stronger in faith, but also a consistent ‘missionary’ among the drifting faithful of our parish.
# Following the spirituality of Don Bosco in daily life, for the past 12 months I have started to make a daily lunch box and share it with some people in need around us. When I witness the joy of those who get this simple lunch box, I feel really very happy and full of joy.
# Yes, after embarking on the ADMA spirituality and formation journey, I see my changing life attitude - especially dedicated more to our family sanctification, started to pray together with my husband and also my recently married daughter with her husband used to follow daily Mass on the Catholic TV (NB lockdown situation)
# ‘Mum, you have changed a lot!’ - for two years now, after an invitation from my parish friend, I have started to attend the Saturday ADMA formation with the Salesian Sisters. Already during the first formation meeting, I listened to an ‘Educate like Don Bosco’ talk. And it was a cultural shock - a great change in my way of looking at education. It was not about ‘competition’ or ‘who is the best’ but it was ‘make the children and youth feel that they are loved’. Now, after two years, I realize I have not got all the ‘right’ answers to my children and my children have realised that their mother has changed with the loving kindness of Don Bosco. When I tell my son or daughter: ‘Wow, you have changed! - They reply: "Mum, you have changed!’
With the 7 new ADMA promised members in Seoul, after the first group in Gwangju (2016), there are now two ADMA groups in South Korea, 80 ADMA groups in the EAO region and more than 800 ADMA groups around the world.