Brazil - Meeting of Provincial Councils of ADMA Brazil
Brazil - February 2021 - On 27 February the members of the Provincial Councils of ADMA Brazil met in virtual form for a moment of formation and sharing inspired by the theme of the Rector Major's Strenna 2021: «Moved by hope:“See, I am making all things new” (Rev 21,5)». With the assistance of Fr Sérgio Lúcio, National Delegate of ADMA, the participants reflected on the fundamental points of the Strenna 2021 and subsequently each Province shared what it is concretely doing as apostolic activities in favor of the people most affected by the pandemic. The desire was also renewed that all ADMA groups in Brazil, following the example of Don Bosco and under the protection of Mary Help of Christians, continue to join forces so that each one can be a channel and propagator of genuine Salesian hope, which has its foundation in the risen Christ, who makes all things new.