Ethiopia – Tigray amid pandemic and war: importance of education as social redemption

18 February 2021

(ANS - Addis Abeba) - Among the many organizations active in Ethiopia, there are also the Salesian centers, mainly dedicated to educational work with young people. What with the pandemic that is still putting the nation to the test and the recent conflict, in the north of the country, between rebels and the national government, what are their needs? From the “Fondazione Opera Don Bosco Onlus”, based in Milan, comes an appeal: “Together let us support the right to study and promote vocational training.”

Yes, because it is essential to help young Ethiopians in Northern Ethiopia to rise, recover from the worst combination imaginable: a pandemic and a war.

If on the one hand Covid-19 has brought containment measures unfortunately not very compatible with the daily lives of many people who survive and live day-by-day, the conflict has made things much worse, causing many victims, injuries and many internal refugees, while others flee to Sudan; it has also brought about a new stoppage to school activities.

In this situation, the Salesians present in Tigray are making every effort to bring aid, but what is needed is strong external support to activate urgent interventions in order to return to guaranteeing young people, and especially the poorest ones, the right to study.

“For years the Salesian presences of Makallé, Adwa, Adigrat and Shire have guaranteed the right to schooling and vocational training in this area of ​​the country, to offer Ethiopian children and young people the right to a better future. Any help will be important for the future of many young people who for a year now, relentlessly, have found themselves having to deal with an unsustainable situation,” say the Foundation.

Among the Salesian works present in Tigray and supported by the Foundation are: the Youth Center of Adigrat, in which the Salesians offer numerous formative activities to children and young people; the "Don Bosco" Technical Institute of Adwa, which to date has trained 2,330 graduates in the manufacturing, construction and electrical installations sectors, and which also boasts several "non-formal" courses - tailoring, basic IT applications, crafts, metalworking, welding, furniture manufacturing…; the "Don Bosco" Catholic School of Shire, which with primary and secondary schools guarantees education for many boys and girls; and the "Don Bosco" Technical Institute in Makallè: a spearhead that allows many young people to study and train as technicians in the mechanical, welding and automotive sectors.

Many pieces that over the years have contributed to ensuring schooling paths for many young Ethiopians who, without this opportunity, would not have had the opportunity to access education.

For more information, please visit the website: 


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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