Fr Cameroni retraced the journey of almost 14 years, describing what animating ADMA meant for him, looking at Don Bosco, apostle of the Help of Christians and founder of the Association: “The Association grows and matures to the extent that each member feels the call to respond to a grace received, to 'give back' or rather to share and spread the grace experienced, because faith is strengthened by giving it: this translates into a living and dynamic presence in one's family, in the workplace, in participating in the formative and prayer life of the Association, in dedicating time and energy to ADMA… Our Lady has always guided us in these years, she has inspired us in many circumstances without being too tied and bound to projects and programs. Christian life, like education, is like a river that should not be reined in too much, but left free in its path: accompanied, not forced or constrained ... One of the realities that most helped me to grow spiritually was the great ability to share life and faith especially during retreats and spiritual exercises. Communion in God creates very strong bonds between people and strengthens the believing experience and the vocational identity of each.”
Fr Alejandro Guevara shared his life story and how he arrived at this mission entrusted to him by the Rector Major. Fr Roberto Carelli presented the formative journey of the year 2020-2021 entitled "Dream and make dream", inspired by the slogan of Pope Francis addressed to the Salesians at the conclusion of the General Chapter: “Don Bosco dreamed and made people dream. But his dreams were not an escape from reality, on the contrary, an immersion in reality, and they did not have to do with sleep and inertia, but with vigilance and works, not with purely human genius and resourcefulness, but with the inspirations and fruitfulness of God. The invitation to dream and to make people dream urges us to take care of formation, that of young people as well as that of adults, because it encourages us not to stop at facts, not to drown in occupations and concerns, and asks us to place ourselves, according to the spirit of Don Bosco, in the perspective of God, in the perspective of grace, faith, vocation and mission, praise and service of God, of a contemplative and non-operative life not closed in on itself but dedicated to others, especially if they are poorer.”
In the afternoon, in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, there was the participatory Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr Leonardo Mancini, provincial of Piedmont-Valle d'Aosta, during which 6 aspirants shared the joy and grace of joining ADMA and of the Salesian Family. A day of grace with many gifts and reasons to pray, to give thanks, to entrust and to continue dreaming!