Argentina - Curatorium of post-novitiate “Michele Rua” of Córdoba

15 September 2020

Córdoba, Argentina - September 2020 - On 4 September the Curatorium of the postnovitiate "Michele Rua" was held in virtual mode, chaired by Fr Gabriel Romero, Councilor for the America South Cone Region, with the participation of Fr Horacio Barbieri, Provincial of Argentina North; Fr Dario Perera, Provincial of Southern Argentina; Fr Carlo Lira, Provincial of Chile; Fr Mario Villalba, Provincial of Paraguay, and Fr Alfonso Bauer, Provincial of Uruguay. The online meeting began with the meeting of the entire post-novitiate community with the Regional Councilor and the Provincials for the presentation of the community project. Subsequently, the Provincials met first with the Salesians in initial formation, who shared the formative experience and the challenges, and then with the formation team, who shared how daily life unfolds, including advantages and challenges. Finally, Fr Romero spoke with the Provincials to elaborate suggestions, proposals and decisions that will serve to improve the life of the community and to favor the discernment process of Salesians in initial formation.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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