Italy – Six Salesians of Tardivo Ghibaudo family, with their mother, in historical photo
Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy - 1960 - An emblematic photo that is part of Salesian history: six blood brothers, of the Tardivo Ghibaudo family, all Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB), in 1960 they took a photo with their mother Maria Ghibaudo, in front the house of Don Bosco, in the locality of "I Becchi". The six brothers are: Agostino, who belonged to the Province of the Middle East (MOR), Giovanni, to the Province of Central America (CAM), Giuseppe, to Chile (CIL), Michele (CAM), Pietro, to the then Argentina-Buenos Aires (ABA) Province, and Severino, the only one still living, belonging to CIL. In addition to their all being Salesians, to make this family even more beautiful is that everyone was also a missionary.