Italy – C.G.S. National Assembly
Italy - March 28, 2020 - The 2020 National Assembl.y of the Salesian Association C.G.S. (Cinecircoli Giovanili Socioculturali) took place on the Zoom platform due to the coronavirus pandemic; its theme: "Essere associazione #lìdovesei, or Being association there where you are there." There was ample participation of its various Circles in the event, operating throughout the country, with a territorial representativeness rarely achieved so far, paradox of this difficult situation. The success of the social event shows the association is alive and well and continues to walk forward. The 44 Circles surveyed, operating in 15 regions, are also running 6 territorial Coordinations, scattered throughout the peninsula, and the extensive report of President Cristiano Tanas documented the liveliness and skills spent on the territory, well beyond courtyards and local steeples.