India – “Word with us”, a Bible Diary 2021 in English

13 novembro 2020
There is no translation available.

(ANS – Palabek) – “Word with us” is a humble effort of Don Bosco Publishing House of the Province of “St Joseph”, Hyderabad (INH), to make its contribution to the Ministry of the Word, making the presence of the Incarnate Word felt concretely in and through the daily Eucharistic celebration where the Word comes alive, enlivening the faith of every disciple of Christ.

With almost a decade long history in the ministry of the Word in Telugu, the “Don Bosco Publishing House” now steps into the English-speaking world. It hopes to extend strides in accompanying the youth and the faithful on their journey to happiness, meaning and above all, holiness, through concreted-life oriented reflections by the scholarly Salesian writers with a youth perspective on the daily Word of God, the inspiration from daily saints and a crisp prayer that helps them speak their mind to God.

The other features of the Bible Diary are: colourful, elegant pages; useful liturgical information; short, relevant reflections; and guaranteed spiritual nourishment. 

Fr Biju Michael, sdb, General Councillor for South Asia, appreciated this initiative and said: “I am grateful to Don Bosco Publishing House, Hyderabad for this new initiative to bring us a Bible Diary with a youth perspective. May many hearts burn with zeal for God and be directed to serve fellow human beings.”

Fr Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar, INH Provincial, wished that this new initiative of the Salesians would lead more young people and families to Christ.

The Bible Diary is scheduled to be released in the fourth week of November 2020.

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ANS - “Agência iNfo Salesiana” - é um periódico plurissemanal telemático, órgão de comunicação da Congregação Salesiana, inscrito no Registro da Imprensa do Tribunal de Roma, n. 153/2007. 

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