Livelihood issues of Misings

17 novembro 2017
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The book “Livelihood issues of Misingsis a collection of the speeches of 2016 I-CARD seminar. It contains 20 articles by various authors, hailing from across Assam. The book is the 15th volume of the general title: “Misings through Mising Eyes”, because the articles are all written by Mising intellectuals themselves, highlighting the insiders’ opinions.

The book is edited by Manuj Kr. Mili and Fr. K.A. Thomas, SDB. “We can call this book a primary source on livelihood issues of Mising people, as all articles are based on personal experiences of insiders, with little reference to other sources. Therefore it has great ethnographic value, ” said Fr. Thomas, director of I-CARD. 

Some of the authors in the book are : Dr. Pabitra Kr. Pegu, Manuj Kr. Mili, Deepak Kr. Doley, Rongili Doley, Bongsi Daw and Dr. Ghana Kt Doley. Volume 1 of “Misings Through Mising Eyes” was published in 2005. 


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