Media Resource Manual

10 junho 2021
There is no translation available.

Over the years the Social Communications Commission (SOCOM) of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, together with several other animators have been organizing and conducting Media Education Seminars for teachers, young people, students, priests, and lay persons. Participants at the seminars constantly request for additional handouts and material for personal reference and for community use.

So, the SCC of the CBC has therefore put together a variety of sessions that have been presented and conducted for the different groups, and is now delighted to present this Media Resource Manual 2021.

“We hope that it will assist you and enable you to be contributors of content to friends, family, and the wider community” Fr Ambrose Pereira, SDB, SOCOM Secretary says. “My gratitude to the SOCOM team: Abigail Seta, Nigel Akuani, Jessica Oata, Rosemary Yambune and Isabella Saleu who have contributed to this Media Resource Manual and are happy to conduct programs and sessions for the different groups. Thanks to SIGNIS and MISSIO and the many who support this important sector”.

The Media Resource Manual 2021 is a good resource for your priests, teachers, youth leaders, lay animators and students, in your diocese, school, parish, or institution. It is a simple guide to help your Media Team in their efforts to write articles and send in news items, feature articles, reflections and photographs. It offers you a deeper insight into what the Media is all about. You are invited to use it in sessions with different groups as you encourage persons to write and share about their activities and programs.

A low resolution of the manual is circulated and is available on the Catholic Bishops Conference website: 

Printed copies are priced at K 5/- only and are available at SOCOM, CBC Waigani. Limited copies are available. 

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